On January 19,2012, there was meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on
Environmental Affairs to discuss " Banning All Forms of Asbestos" issue,
most of the members of No More Asbestos in Hong Kong Alliance (NMAHKA)
put on protective clothing and walked distance from Admiralty Centre to
Central Government Offices ,shouting slogans to urge Government to Ban
all use of asbestos and request the following :
1) As soon as possible to ban all types of asbestos use in Hong Kong
2) A ban on the transhipment of asbestos through Hong Kong
3) Ban all use of asbestos and its import
4) Provide education to workers about the hazardous risks of asbestos.
5) Request the government to list out and label all the ACM building
distributed in Hong Kong to the public
5) Urge Government to report all the list of buildings in Hong Kong that
may have asbestos present to public, such as villages or the
re-development in old urban areas.
6) Urge all demolition companies to report their work if it involves
asbestos or not. If it does, the demolition company must report to the
government in details and the government must in turn, supervise if the
demolition work is carried out in a manner following all the safety
procedures. |